N.C.T.S. November 23, 2014 N.C.T.S. Staff By: Kristen Cooper ! Data Overview N.C.T.S. November 23, 2014 N.C.T.S. Staff By: Kristen Cooper !
Purpose The vision of Newton County Theme School is to become a world-class school where students engage in rigorous and well-rounded curriculum in a safe and motivating environment that prepares them for future learning and life beyond school. In order to achieve to vision for N.C.T.S. we must use data to influence instruction and assessment to ensure that students are prepared for future learning and life beyond school.
N.C.T.S. C.R.C.T. Scores for students that met or exceeded Subject Area 2011 2012 2013 Math 96% 98% Language Arts 99% Reading Social Studies 93% 94% Science data for grades 3rd-7th
data for grades 3rd-7th
Summary Strengths- Overall scores in math, social studies, and science in grades 3-7 increased from 2011 - 2013 Areas of Improvement – Language Arts scores decreased in 2012, but increased in 2013 Reading scores remained the same from 2011-2013 Based on the high scores N.C.T.S. could offer a curriculum that has been accelerated and offers opportunities for differentiation to occur
Subject Area 2011 2012 2013 Math 80% 79% 82% Language Arts 92% Reading Newton County School System C.R.C.T. Results for students that met or exceeded Subject Area 2011 2012 2013 Math 80% 79% 82% Language Arts 92% Reading 93% 94% Social Studies 74% 73% Science 75%
data for grades 3rd-7th
Summary Strengths- Overall scores from 2011-2013 increased in all subject areas Areas of Improvement – Science is the subject area that overall needs the most improvement
2011 C.R.C.T. Results for students that met or exceeded Subject Area N.C.T.S. Newton County School System Math 96% 80% Language Arts 99% 92% Reading Social Studies 93% 74% Science 94% 75%
data for grades 3rd-7th
data for grades 3rd-7th
Summary Strengths – N.C.T.S. in every subject area for 2011 has a higher rate of students that meet or exceeds than the Newton County School System average. Areas of Improvement – Students could improve scores in Social studies and Science since these subject areas have the lowest scores.
2012 C.R.C.T. Results for students that met or exceeded Subject Area N.C.T.S. Newton County School System Math 96% 79% Language Arts 98% 92% Reading 99% 93% Social Studies 94% 73% Science 74%
data for grades 3rd-7th
data for grades 3rd-7th
Summary Strengths – N.C.T.S. in every subject area for 2012 has a higher rate of students that meet or exceeds than the Newton County School System average. Areas of Improvement - Students could improve scores in Social studies and Science since these subject areas have the lowest scores.
2013 C.R.C.T. Results for students that met or exceeded Subject Area N.C.T.S. Newton County School System Math 98% 82% Language Arts 99% 92% Reading 94% Social Studies 80% Science 96% 79%
data for grades 3rd-7th
data for grades 3rd-7th
Summary Strengths – N.C.T.S. in every subject area for 2012 has a higher rate of students that meet or exceeds than the Newton County School System average. Areas of Improvement - Students could improve scores in Science since this subject areas has the lowest scores.
Areas of Improvement Science Possible solutions: - Provide all science classrooms with science kits. This would allow them the opportunity to experience hands on learning and apply their experiences to paper pencil based testes. They also promote engagement, student centered learning and experiential learning. N.C.T.S. could create a science lab that is open to all grade levels. It could be a place to house all of the resources at the school. It also provides students with continuous opportunities to explore science concepts.
Solutions continued In house field trips hosted by members of the community could help make foreign concepts seem relevant and applicable to daily life. A weekly Science Club could be offered to students. Create a website that students can access that have links to helpful science websites, videos, and other electronic resources
Solutions continued Incorporate science concepts in other subject areas. Ex: writing, math, etc
Question or task for audience What could N.C.T.S. do to improve scores in science? What strategies could the school implement to improve student learning?