Effects of the New Deal
Why Did The New deal matter? Provided relief to a nation dealing with an economic depression Created numerous changes in government and society Reshaped the role of government in the economy Changed the power of the presidency Changed the relationship of the American people with the gov’t and different ethnic groups
What Were Some Critics of the New Deal? Socialists and extreme liberals criticized FDR for providing too much assistance to business and not enough on the unemployed, minorities, and women Conservatives argued that the New Deal gave the federal government too much power Some critics played on Americans’ desperation for immediate solutions to the crisis by using radio to reach a mass audience
Father Charles E. Coughlin Catholic priest who had big audiences for his weekly radio address Founded the National Union for Social Justice nationalization of all banks The Catholic church stopped the broadcasts after they became anti-sematic and fascist “Kingfish” Huey Long Senator from LA that promoted a “share the wealth” program being paid by taxing the wealthy Challenged FDR for the Democratic nomination for the 1936 election Candidacy ended when he was assassinated
How did the New Deal Affect Minority Groups? Little more than a decade removed from the ratification of the 19th Amendment Frances Perkins served as Secretary of Labor under FDR The New Deal did not focus on ending gender discrimination Focused more on providing work to men By 1934, the unemployment rate for African Americans was almost 50%, more than twice the national average agriculture and elderly
FDR invited many African American leaders to be unofficial advisors in what came to be known as the Black Cabinet Mary McLeod Bethune, member of the Black Cabinet, noted that African Americans gained unprecedented access in the White House and positions within the gov’t under FDR’s presidency Just like gender rights and equalities, racial equality did not make significant strides until the 60’s
Native American owned land: 1887 = 138 million acres owned 1930 = 48 million acres owned Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 restored tribal control over Native American land but did not immediately improve standard of living Indian New Deal provided economic assistance and Indian Reorganization Act
What were Lasting Political Changes? Creation of the New Deal Coalition that helped Democrats to a sizable majority in both houses of Congress Democratic Party secures 6 of the next 8 presidential elections African American voters went from voting 65% Republican in 1932 to 68% Democrat in 1940 to 93% Democrat in 2012 The New Deal broke from the federal govt’s traditional laissez faire approach to the economy and accepted the responsibility for spurring economic growth
FDR increased the power of the executive branch Creation of a welfare state that provided government support to certain citizens (ex: Social Security, child labor, worker’s comp) New Deal programs such as the FDIC and SEC helped stabilize banks and the stock market FDR increased the power of the executive branch FDR’s presidency led to the creation of the 22nd Amendment Created a 2-term or 10-year limit for serving as president
What Was Culture Like In the 1930’s Entertainment became big business in the 1930’s. Radio Networks: NBC, CBS Film Companies: MGM, Warner Brothers, Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount Movies thrived as Americans went to see them as a form of escapism The Wizard of Oz
The Federal Art Projects leas to many different art programs from monuments to photos Mount Rushmore Led to Dorothea Lange to capture images of impoverished farmers and migrant workers