Kyle Bragalone Jeff Broody Bob Yusinski EET 419 Penn State University
Problem: The student parking lot at our campus does not hold the capacity of cars needed for the technology center. This can cause students to be late for their classes because they have to resort to driving to the other side of campus, then walk back to their class. Goal: To design a system that monitors the ingoing and outgoing vehicles in the lower student lot, and relays that information to lighted indicators. These indicators will have three LED lights of different colors to specify the different capacity ranges using the traditional stoplight configuration. Project Scope
Specific: We will be building a prototype system that will keep a real-time count of all vehicles entering/leaving the lower parking lot. Measurable: The prototype will keep an accurate count of vehicles, and transmit that information to LED indicators located on the road. Assignable: Each group member will be responsible for the following work: Sending/ Receiving system/ Tone generator (Bob) Proximity sensing/ microcontroller (Kyle) Filters and led indicators (Jeff) SMART Objectives
Realistic: A model of the life-size system will be used. This will make the project more cost-effective, as well as easier to troubleshoot. Time-based: A prototype of the system will be built and functioning by May SMART Objectives Cont.
Block Diagram
9V Battery supply Weatherproof housing of components Maximum of 1 error for every 1000 counts The metallic sensors will only count vehicles Metallic sensors spaced 10ft apart Automatic (daily reset) along with manual reset Car count display on the housing Wireless signal will reach the signals (300yd) Keeps a real time count of parking lot fill Specifications
Determining the distance necessary between the sensors Programing of the microcontroller Determining methods for omitting errors Proximity Sensing / Microcontroller
Program microcontroller to light proper L.E.D. through the filters Construct housing for the L.E.D. circuitry Constructing the 3 filters: High pass Low pass Band pass Filters and Indicators
Utilize tone generation techniques learned in previous course work Construction and troubleshooting of these circuits Programming this system to work with the micro controller Sending/Receiving tone generator
Gnatt Chart
Risk Analysis
Risk Matrix
Design a wireless transmission system using generated tones. Will each tone match the required frequency range? (Low 4kHz, high >5 kHz) Will the sending/receiving signal travel the required distance using VOX? Sending/ Receiving system/ Tone Generator
Program the microcontroller to process sensor data, and activate correct generator. Are both sensors being accounted for in the programming? Will the microcontroller activate the proper tone based on vehicle count? Program microcontroller to account for vehicles only. Will the sensors omit foreign objects passing through? Does the program reset count each day to minimize error? Proximity sensing/ microcontroller
Design and implement three filters. Can the filters correctly differentiate between generated tones? Does the matching LED light when correct tone is passed through filter? Build housing for the LED indicator and microcontroller. Will the housings be able to withstand the elements? Filers and led indicator