Formative Assessment Open the folder provided, read the given handout, and begin your activity. Each group has a different success starter, with directions.
Formative Assessment and Feedback Unpacking the Standards Protocol: Step 6 Formative assessment and intentional planning for checks for understanding
Formative Assessment and Feedback Mellisa Smith’s portion
Remediation versus Acceleration Fast Lane… Remediation versus Acceleration This is to get them back into the text. Recall Chapter 1 was about remediation versus acceleration and rethinking how we supported struggling students. Similarly in Chapter 2 our focus on Standards Wall and Concept Maps forced us to rethink how we make the standards and objectives accessible and meaningful for students as opposed to merely posting the standard as written or making it too simple that we lost the language of the standard. Similarly, Chapter 3 introduces an alternative to traditional warm-ups in an effort to maximize engagement and new learning. These are called success starters; which we modeled at the beginning of the today’s discussion on formative assessment.
Standards Wall/Concept Map Creating strong “I can” statements, aligned to the standard Creating clear learning goals for students
Success Starters Connect to prior learning Hold high interest, real-world relevance, and value for students Explicitly tie to the standard being taught Engage every learner Set up the lesson
Success Starters Debrief What advantages do success starters offer in comparison with traditional warm-ups? How do success starters level the playing field for all learners?
Formative Assessment and Meaningful Feedback How does the teacher involve the students in establishing the learning goals/targets and success criteria? How does the teacher asses student’s and help students asses their own learning? Elementary, Middle and High
Formative Assessment and Meaningful Feedback Elementary- Middle- High-
Formative Assessment and Meaningful Feedback Debrief Reflect upon practices you see in classrooms. . . . To what degree do you find planned opportunities in a lesson to “check in” for understanding? After today’s learning, what opportunities do we have to redefine how we use formative assessment opportunities and feedback to impact student achievement?