The Taming of the Shrew Anticipation Statements Please copy into the Writing Assignments section of your notebook.
With each of the following statements, your job is to simply agree or disagree. Walk to the side of the room that corresponds with your opinion. Do not go with the flock; be your own person. Do not follow because everyone else is going to one side. Sometimes it’s fun to play the devil’s advocate. No standing in the middle. Stand on one side – agree or disagree. Please record your response in the form of a thesis… Rewrite the statement with your opinion + 1-2 reasons for support.
1.) I believe in love at first sight.
2.) Fight fire with fire.
3.) A man’s home is his castle.
4.) Men don’t like assertive women.
5.) Women like men who know what they want.
6.) Feminism has changed attitudes toward women.
Back to your seats… 7.) I would do just about anything for enough money. 8.) You should study what you’re interested in. 9.) Even though they say they love all their children the same, parents can’t help having a “favorite” child. 10.) People who fall in love “at first sight” don’t real the true meaning of love. 11.) Love is necessary for a successful marriage. 12.) If you love someone, you will do what he/she asks you to do. 13.) The best relationships are between two people who are equal to each other in intelligence and ambition. 14.) If you love someone, you should never try to change him/her. 15.) In every relationship, there is always one person who is “in charge.” 16.) Being in love can make you change things about yourself.