Who Am I? By: Harpreet
What Makes Me Unique?
MY interests and work values Every person is interested in different things, its an aspect to what makes us unique. It also determines a career path for ourselves. If someone (ex.) like myself is interested in math and solving problem I will probably in the future do a job that revolves around that. Instead of a job with lots of reading and writing since that maybe someone else's interests and not my own.
How others see me & The impressions I give off Every choice made defines who you are and how others will see you. Positive choices result in a positive outcome and negative choices result in a negative one. My goal is to always try to help people when I can and always be understanding of situations. I try to always keep a smile on my face since even little gestures can turn someone's day around. After awhile everything you do adds up which creates this persona you give off and that is how others view you. This is what makes every individual unique but its up to you to make yourself a good influence or a bad one.
MY intelligence in all aspects of my life Intelligence isn’t all about being “school smart” there is different aspects of it that you use in each part of your life. And every person has their own aspect in intelligence that they are better at than others. For me I am stronger in Interpersonal which is people smart and logical which is number smart. I am weaker in Music smarts and Nature smarts but that maybe someone else's strong suit, it all depends on the person. This is apart of what makes us different and more unique.
Leisure Activities/Hobbies Working at Tim Horton’s takes a fair bit of my time as well. Reading is another hobby I enjoy! The majority of my time outside of school is spent playing soccer. My friends are what keeps me grounded so I enjoy spending a lot of my time with them. Being in the outdoors is another thing I like so I tend to go hiking a ton! !
This is me!