Tropical Agriculture Platform facilitating capacity development in agricultural innovation in the tropics - a G20 Initiative.


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Presentation transcript:

Tropical Agriculture Platform facilitating capacity development in agricultural innovation in the tropics - a G20 Initiative

Tropical Agriculture Platform: progress report Summary of the TAP concept Summary of the TAP concept Building the partnership Building the partnership Implementation Implementation

The Problems at Stake Numerous interventions addressing gaps in capacity and knowledge in agricultural innovation in tropical areas have: Numerous interventions addressing gaps in capacity and knowledge in agricultural innovation in tropical areas have: Insufficient alignment with country/regional policies & needs Insufficient alignment with country/regional policies & needs Insufficient coordination and synergy between them Insufficient coordination and synergy between them Small-scale activities with high transaction costs and limited impact Small-scale activities with high transaction costs and limited impact Inadequate analysis of interdisciplinary needs and the demands of agricultural markets. Inadequate analysis of interdisciplinary needs and the demands of agricultural markets.

The TAP objective

The TAP Approach Multilateral, multi-sectoral facilitation mechanism Convening stakeholders at global and national level Enabling actors to contribute through partnerships Creating more coherent actions with greater impact Aligning with national, regional and global policy frameworks FAO acting as a global facilitator and convenor

The TAP Target Groups Target Groups (directly affected): Policymakers and institutions in agricultural innovation (research, extension, education etc), Policymakers and institutions in agricultural innovation (research, extension, education etc), Private sector and civil society active in innovation systems Private sector and civil society active in innovation systems Relevant development agencies, fora etc. Relevant development agencies, fora etc.

7 Assessment of Current Capacities and Needs Enhanced Policy Dialogue Effective Capacity Development Partnerships Enhanced Knowledge Exchange Strategic Action Plan Common Framework for CD The TAP Outputs

The difference TAP will make Partnerships and shared visions fostered to promote: Partnerships and shared visions fostered to promote: – capacity development interventions more coherent and aligned with national plans and demands – national leadership and ownership acknowledged Capacity development solutions developed at scale and with lower transaction costs Capacity development solutions developed at scale and with lower transaction costs Knowledge and experiences shared between broad constituencies of stakeholders Knowledge and experiences shared between broad constituencies of stakeholders

Tropical Agriculture Platform: progress report Summary of the TAP concept Summary of the TAP concept Building the partnership Building the partnership Implementation Implementation

TAP genesis Concept approved by G20 Agriculture Ministers Declaration, Paris, Jun 2011 Concept approved by G20 Agriculture Ministers Declaration, Paris, Jun 2011 Discussed at G20 Conference on Ag. Research for Development, Montpellier, Sep 2011 Discussed at G20 Conference on Ag. Research for Development, Montpellier, Sep 2011 Developed by Informal Stakeholder Consultation, Rome, Dec 2011 Developed by Informal Stakeholder Consultation, Rome, Dec 2011 Endorsed by G20 Agriculture & Development Working Groups, Mar-May 2012, and by G20 Leaders Summit, Mexico, Jun 2012 Endorsed by G20 Agriculture & Development Working Groups, Mar-May 2012, and by G20 Leaders Summit, Mexico, Jun 2012 Recognized by the G-8 Summit, USA, May 2012 Recognized by the G-8 Summit, USA, May 2012 Launch at G20 MACS, Mexico, Sep 2012 Launch at G20 MACS, Mexico, Sep 2012 First meeting of partners in Punta del Este, Oct 2012 First meeting of partners in Punta del Este, Oct 2012

The initial steps Constituency formed Constituency formed – 37 partners – More announced – Others support Operational framework Operational framework – General Assembly – Steering Committee Program of work for the inception phase Program of work for the inception phase

TAP Partners April 2013 Global Fora Regional Fora International Organizations Others GCHERA AARINENA IFADAGRA GFRASAPAARI World Bank Agrinatura GFARCAACARIIICAITPGRFA YPARDFARACTA AFAAS

TAP Partners April 2013 National Institutions International Research Institutes AGREENIUM France EMBRAPA and ASBRAER BrazilINTAArgentina CGIAR Consortium ICIMODNepal ARC South Africa IAARDIndonesiaJIRCASJapanCABIUKICIPEKenya CAAS and CATAS ChinaINIASpainNRIUKCATIE Costa Rica CRA and INEA ItalyINIFAPMexico Wageningen University NetherlandsICBAUAE

Tropical Agriculture Platform: progress report Summary of the TAP concept Summary of the TAP concept Building the partnership Building the partnership Implementation Implementation

Resource Mobilization Total budget required for 3 years: $5 million Inception Phase: $625,000 Contributions from China, France, and FAO Multi- Disciplinary Funds Operational Phase: Resource mobilization in progress

Promotion Activities to date – TAP Web site design – Brochures – Marketplace at GCARD2 – Dgroups communities for partners Future activities – Develop communication plan with partners – Expand website as services develop

Inception Phase Workplan Output 1 - Assessment of Current Needs and Capacities Output 1 - Assessment of Current Needs and Capacities – Africa Regional Assessment: facilitated by FARA – Asia Regional Assessment: facilitated by SEARCA – Latin America/Caribbean Regional Assessment: facilitated by CIAT Online collaboration spaces Online collaboration spaces December 2012 – May 2013 December 2012 – May 2013

Inception Phase Workplan Output 1: TORs of Needs and Capacity Assessment Output 1: TORs of Needs and Capacity Assessment – Desk studies: priorities, capacities & needs of stakeholders to strengthen agro-innovation systems – Stock-taking of existing initiatives in capacity development (CD) incl. S-S – Regional Synthesis Reports on CD with gaps and interventions identified for TAP

Inception Phase Workplan Output 2 – Strategic Action Plan Output 2 – Strategic Action Plan – Definition of Services related to Outputs 4-6 – Focus: geographic & thematic – Alignment with other initiatives – Definition of partners contributions – Definition of benefits for partners Venue: Global Consultation, to be defined Venue: Global Consultation, to be defined

Key points TAP is a facilitating mechanism for greater coherence TAP will build on and complement existing mechanisms TAP will be neither an implementing mechanism nor a funding mechanism TAP will span the capacity dimensions i.e. enabling environment, organizations and individuals

21 TAP Services (starting from c. July 2013) Policy Dialogue Space: convening multi-stakeholder interactions to enhance clarity and coherence of national policies for capacity development in tropical agricultural innovation Marketplace: brokering effective capacity development approaches and partnerships in tropical agricultural innovation which aggregate existing demands/offers, and facilitate up-scaling TAPipedia: information system(s) that enhance knowledge flows in support of capacity development of tropical innovation systems, on success stories, impacts, lessons learned, and the outputs of innovation

Thank you for your attention