Comparing literature in Essays
Ways of reading Choose a way in which both novels can be read. For example: Literary Theory Psychological idea Sociological idea Brainstorm the ideas that exist within both novels. Ways of reading
For Example Comparing Hamlet & Three Day Road What? How? Look at similarities: Father Relationship with “mother” “insanity” misled distrust of women search for a father figure Jung For Example
Although, the horrors of Hamlet and Three Day Road could be attributed to the protagonists’ traumatic lives, Hamlet and Xavier believe that their heinous actions are predetermined and they therefore bring about the tragic conclusion. Thesis
Any relationship between two or more things will involve some degree of SIMILARITY, as well as a degree of DIFFERENCE. A comparison essay still must answer So What? Don’t just show the similarities or differences. Explain the significance of your comparison and how it connects to your thesis. So What?