New Challenges in Systems Safety - Themes Better, Faster, Cheaper Resource constraints, organisational buy-in Move to Digital & Data In industry and also in safety engineering too Drive to digital working: NHS Digital 2020 (healthcare) Autonomy and data feed - traceability Access and Data Sharing To learn from practice (industry data) Ownership of data (eg. healthcare) Access to forensic data (eg. security) Cyber Interaction of physical and software security aspects Integration of systems (eg. parking system and flight control) Threats: intelligent, sophisticated and subtle: intermittent Complexity Aircraft, cloud, quantum, IOT, SoS Data explosion Integration, and supply chains Distributed autonomous decision making Autonomy Fast data feedback loops Trust and ethics
New Challenges in Systems Safety - Solutions Better, Faster, Cheaper Evidenced based practices Raise awareness of issues Move to Digital & Data SMART tooling Data Safety Guidance Specific guidance for data Access and Data Sharing More openness with sharing data or sharing abstracted versions Meta data for data to capture provenance and quality Cyber Raise awareness Corporate competencies Maturity assessments Active management (eg. pen testing, hashing algorithms) Complexity Explicitly modelling uncertainty Autonomy Agency model Testing against human decisions Standardisation