5th Grade (Social Studies, Religion, Phonics)& Junior High Math Welcome to Room 205 5th Grade (Social Studies, Religion, Phonics)& Junior High Math
Quick Info Contact info: jowoc@stgeorgeschool.org Phone: 708-532-2626 (extension TBD) Notes Math tutoring on Mondays after school(Must email permission or receive note by 10AM)
Parent Pointers Check my K-12 website for daily homework, upcoming quizzes, tests, projects, supplies Homework usually posted by 3PM Check PowerSchool at least once a week for grades (usually updated on Sunday nights) Homework is the student’s responsibility
Math Supplies & Tips Bring the following EVERYDAY!!! Calculator Book(covered), workbook, notebook SHARP pencils, one pen Use proper headings SHOW ALL WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FYI Tests are usually every 2 weeks. Test date announced 4 or 5 days prior Quizzes are usually given every week on material covered thus far.(Thursdays or Fridays) Homework assigned 3-4 days per week
HOMEWORK All work must be shown Check website for assignment Neat work is a must (may need to be completed again if not done properly) One completion grade given for homework for week (% deductions for late/missing work) Review material to keep it fresh
Remind 101 “TRYING” Remind 101 Optional email/text alerts for parents Examples: test reminders upcoming events dress down days SEE instruction sheet for details