Chapter 30 Russian Bolshevik Revolution
Content Objective: Students will examine the Russian Revolution and the development of Soviet ideology and nationalism under Lenin and Stalin. Language Objectives; Students will examine the Russian Revolution and the development of Soviet ideology and nationalism under Lenin and Stalin through the construction of thinking maps. .
Frame, map guiding question and frame guiding question count as one point each for each thinking map How it will be graded: Cover page 6 points #1 Brace Map 9 points #2 Flow Map 8 points #3 Bubble Map 20 points [5 points per person] #4 Double Bubble Map #5 Bubble Map #6 Bubble Map 70 POINTS TOTAL
#1 Brace Map Create a brace map in which you discuss the six following causes/events that led up to the Russian Bolshevik Revolution [pg. 867-870] Policies of the czars Industrialization and economic growth The Russo-Japanese War “Bloody Sunday” World War I The March Revolution
Map Guiding Question: What are the sub-details of each cause? Frame Guiding Question: Where did you get your informatio?
#2 Flow Map Create a flow map in which you discuss the actual events of the Bolshevik Revolution [pg. 870-871]
Map Guiding Question: In what order should you sequence these events? Frame Guiding Question: Where did you get your information?
#3 Bubble Maps Take a piece of paper and divide it in half. On each half, create a bubble map that is used to describe the following people. Take notes on their life, and their contributions to the Russian Bolshevik Revolution Karl Marx V.I Lenin Leon Trotsky Joseph Stalin
Map Guiding Question: What are the characteristics used to describe these people? Frame Guiding Question: What have you learned from these descriptions?
#4 Double Bubble Map You will be comparing and contrasting the ideas of Marx and Lenin about communism. Use the chart on page 872 to fill it out.
Map Guiding Question: What are the similarities and differences between these two ideas? Frame Guiding Question: Why are these differences so important?
#5 Bubble Map You will be creating your own web of information on what totalitarianism is and the methods of control/persuasion used In the middle include the definition and around will be the methods Use page 874-876
Map Guiding Question: What are the characteristics used to describe Stalin’s Russia? Frame Guiding Question: What have you learned from these descriptions?