Invitational Skills Chapter 5 (Questioning) : Lab 3 Frequently, we can learn the most by patiently living with our questions until the answers come of themselves. A crucial skill with risks underused or overused (typical problem for beginning helpers) Questions should expand understanding of the story Key motives- (1) when an important part of the story is unclear and (2) encouraging client to open up p.111
Invitational Skills Chapter 5 (Questioning) : Lab 3 (con.) “Why” Questions- What caution does your text include? Leading questions – embedded messages “If you follow my logic, you will soon see the answer to your problem” Push client towards helper's agenda More Caution when working with children and youth Closed Questions- asking for specific information, understanding the facts p.111-115
Invitational Skills Chapter 5 (Questioning) : Lab 3 (con.) Open Questions- encourages sharing and story telling What is going on in your life? How are you handling that? What did you learn from that situation? What is different about your relationship? What would you be doing differently to be “happy”? Question-ing Skills p.108-111
Invitational Skills Solution Focused Questions (Questioning) : Lab 3 (con.) Performance question When does it occur? Where does it occur? What does X look like? (performance of the problem) Exception Question Are there exceptions- when things are different? Coping Questions How have you been able to cope through this?
Invitational Skills Solution Focused Questions (Questioning) : Lab 3 (con.) Miracle Question Suppose that one night, while you are asleep, there is a miracle and the problem that brought you here is solved. However, because you are asleep you don't know that the miracle has already happened. When you wake up in the morning, what will be different that will tell you that the miracle has taken place? What else? Scaling Questions “On a scale of 1-10, 1 being terrible and 10 being fantastic, what is the quality of your relationship now?”