When only cats who were boss lived in coolville Life in the 1950’s When only cats who were boss lived in coolville
Many Americans worried that members of the communist party, “Reds”, were in the U.S. as spies.
The House Un-American Activities Act and Senator Joseph McCarthy went after suspected communists relentlessly.
Truman’s Fair Employment Act required employers with ties to federal agencies to not discriminate based on race.
In order to be successful in containing the Soviet Union, Congress created the CIA and the NSA.
On Oct. 4, 1957 the Soviets launched Sputnik, the first man-made satellite, into space. Sputnik I Sputnik II
The U.S. responded by creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; the “space race” was on!
Suburbs are small communities close to larger cities; Levittown was one of the first suburbs.
Rock-n-roll grew out of rhythm and blues and country music. R&B Country
During the 1950’s, T.V. replaced the radio as the main source of news and entertainment for most families.