Common & Scientific name Common Name Ocelot Scientific name Leporardus paradalis
Found in Mexico central America and up in Texas Located Where does it live Found in Mexico, Central America Where is it found Found in Mexico central America and up in Texas
What does it eat It eats Small mammals, monkeys, rodents, fishes, snakes, amphibians, and birds.
Reasons for endangerment Deforestation and losing the habit to people who are expanding there cities. In the 1900s Thousands were killed for their fur which was considered very valuable in many countries..
The gov’t started laws about having exotic animals and killing them so in 2000 the ocelots were put on the list of endangered animals
Enforced law The Law States: Because of the limited nature of the federal government, most regulations occur at the state and local levels, where the police power allows general regulations for the public welfare. Federal laws do exist, however, that regulate captive wild animals in some of the constitutionally enumerated areas, such as interstate commerce and foreign policy.