Welcome! Room 201 AP Lang & Comp. Mrs. Hankins Room 201 AP Lang & Comp. Please choose a seat and complete both sides of the sheet on your desk.
1. AP is the “dumbed-down” version of IB. True or False? Please decide if each is true or false. 1. AP is the “dumbed-down” version of IB. 2. AP stands for “Auto-Pilot.” 3. Since AP Language focuses on non- fiction and composition, we will not read any literature.
4. Some students are just better writers than others. 5 4. Some students are just better writers than others. 5. Data shows that students who take AP course do better in college than those who do not. 6. The AP test is in May.
7. The AP test is all writing and no multiple choice. 8 7. The AP test is all writing and no multiple choice. 8. If you have an excused absence, you are excused from the work done that day. 9. You can receive college credit for this course. 10. This course requires a lot of homework.
AP® and College Success Students who take AP® courses & exams are more likely than their peers to complete a bachelor’s degree in four years or less. Source: Camara, Wayne. (2003). College Persistence, Graduation, and Remediation. College Board Research Notes (RN-19). New York, NY: College Board.
Keep in BINDER for reference Syllabus Highlight Keep in BINDER for reference
Class Website: www. hankinsatherton. weebly Class Website: www.hankinsatherton.weebly.com Find resources and assignments here.
Hall passes Keep them safe in your binder. I have no desire to discuss restroom needs with you.
AP Language and Composition is all about words- their complex shades of meaning, the impact of their arrangement, etc. Read the excerpt you have been given. Annotate it. On the bottom or back of the page, please answer the following: What does the text say about the power of language? How does the text say it? Choose one line you find especially powerful. Copy it and explain how why you selected it.
For tomorrow: Be sure you have your syllabus with you for tomorrow’s activities. Gather your supplies. Be sure you have your class notebook. You should have your binder and notebooks by MONDAY at the latest. Look for your assigned seat as you enter class tomorrow. Summer Assignment- remember it is due Friday