8 + (-6) = 2 ______ ++++++++ Different Signs Subtract
-2 5 + (-7) = + Different Signs Subtract + + + +
-4 + 8 = 4 + Different Signs Subtract + + + + + + +
-7 + 8 = 1 + Different Signs Subtract + + + + + + +
-68 + 99 = Different Signs Subtract
If the signs are different, Subtract… and use the sign of the bigger number.
If the signs are the same, If the signs are different, Add and keep the sign. If the signs are different, Subtract… and use the sign of the bigger number.
Fun way to remember the Rule! http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Adding+negative+intergers+song&&view=detail&mid=D5BAB46444AD2A45C99CD5BAB46444AD2A45C99C&FORM=VRDGAR
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