“The Equal Rights Struggle Expands” Other groups borrowed heavily from the Civil Rights struggles of African Americans: They created organizations similar to the SCLC and SNCC to fight for their cause Many used non-violent protests to bring attention to their causes Laws passed due to the African American civil rights movement protected the rights of members of these other groups as well
Mexican Americans Organize By 1960’s most Mexican Americans lived in the cities of the southwest La Raza Unida (“United People”) – organization formed in 1970 that fought for better jobs, pay, education, housing, and to elect Mexican American candidates
Mexican Americans (continued) Cesar Chavez – started a union for migrant farmers in California Used non-violent protests, strikes, and boycotts won a contract with higher pay and better benefits
Mexican Americans (continued) Cinco de Mayo – May 5th holiday which celebrates the 1862 victory of Mexico over France (holiday for Mexican national and cultural pride)
Mexican American students in the Southwest fought for better schools, more courses on Mexican-American culture and history, and more Mexican-American teachers By mid 1970’s many of the school reforms that the students called for had been made
Hispanic Diversity Hispanics trace their roots to Spanish-speaking countries and cultures Hispanic Americans come from different countries, so they often have differences Mexicans concerned about immigration to the U.S. and citizenship Cubans worried about the freedom of their home country from communism Puerto Ricans (P.R. a territory of the U.S.) are not worried about either issue
Native Americans Unite Termination Policy – U.S. govt. policy in 1953 that ended federal protection of the reservation land held by tribes National Congress of American Indians – founded in 1944 promoted pride in traditional Native American cultures led protests against the termination policy National Congress of American Indians logo
Native Americans Unite (continued) American Indian Movement – fought a more aggressive campaign for rights and recognition of tribal laws Occupied the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1972 for 7 days in protest AIM leader Russell Means
Indian Self-Determination Act of 1975 – gave tribal governments more control over social programs, law enforcement, and education on reservations Issues today for Native Americans relate to hunting and fishing rights, access to water, and casino gambling
The Women’s Movement (continued) National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) – organization formed in 1966 whose major goals were to help women get good jobs and equal pay for equal work NOW protest in New Jersey in 1972 ►
The Women’s Movement In the 1960’s women also demanded equal rights in job opportunities, pay, legal rights, and to keep jobs if pregnant Betty Friedan – wrote The Feminine Mystique, a book that described the problems women faced in the 1950’s and 1960’s; and was one of the founders of N.O.W. ↑ Betty Friedan
Needed 38 states to ratify it by 1982 (only 35 did) Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.) – Constitutional amendment passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification It would guarantee women equal opportunities in jobs and education, and equal pay for equal work Needed 38 states to ratify it by 1982 (only 35 did) Other laws do protect the rights of women, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Higher Education Act ERA activists ►