Crime Scene Reconstruction: Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Lesson 2: General Features of Bloodstain Formation March 9, 2015 Sanders
Bloodstain Formation Individual bloodstains can convey to the bloodstain analyst the directionality of impact of the blood when it impacted a surface. May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Bloodstain Patterns Bloodstain patterns may convey to the analyst The location of victims or suspects The movement of bleeding individuals Number of blows delivered Minimum number of blows that struck a bleeding victim May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Information from Pattern Interpretation The direction from which blood originated. The angle at which a blood droplet struck a surface. The location or position of a victim at the time a bloody wound was inflicted. The approximate location of an individual delivering blows that produced a bloodstain pattern. May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Bloodstain Pattern on the Wall May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Surface Texture Surface texture is of utmost importance in the interpretation of bloodstain patterns. When reconstructing the scene, an analyst must use identical surfaces. May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Smooth Surfaces Smooth, nonporous surfaces produce rounder droplets. Glass Linoleum Metal Marble Other polished stone surfaces May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Rough Surfaces Rough or porous surfaces create irregularly shaped bloodstains. Wood Plaster May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Satellite Spatter Small drops of blood that are distributed around the perimeter of a drop of blood and were produced by blood hitting a surface. May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Direction of Travel The direction of travel of blood striking an object may be determined by the stain’s shape. The pointed end of the of a bloodstain always faces away from the direction of travel. May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Angle of Impact The angle of impact is the angle formed between the path of the blood drop and the surface that it contacts. May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis
Angle of Impact The angle of impact of an individual bloodstain can be approximated by the degree of distortion or lengthening of the bloodstain. May 20, 2019 Bloodstain Analysis