The New Deal SSUSH18 The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs.


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Presentation transcript:

The New Deal SSUSH18 The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Appeal In 1932 presidential election, FDR was perceived as a man of action. Hoover was viewed as a “do-nothing president.” Results: a landslide for Democrats and a mandate to use government as an agency for human welfare.

The New Deal President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) wanted to bring America out of the Great Depression The New Deal: FDR’s set of government plans and programs to improve America’s economy. ---2min

Purposes of the New Deal Relief: to provide jobs for the unemployed and to protect farmers from foreclosure Recovery: to get the economy back into high gear, “priming the pump” Reform: To regulate banks, to abolish child labor, and to conserve farm lands Overall objective: to save capitalism

Tennessee Valley Authority In 1933 the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was created as part of Roosevelt’s New Deal to control floods and bring electricity to rural America The TVA generated over 40,000 jobs building dams, power plants, roads and miles of wiring What do workers do with the money they earn? How could the TVA help the economy?

Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) Purpose: relief Gave outdoor work to unemployed men between the ages of 17 and 29 They received $30 per month, but $22 went back to the family

The Wagner Act Formed in 1935 the Wagner Act: -guaranteed workers the right to unionize -allowed for collective bargaining -allowed for binding arbitration -formed the National Labor Relations Board to monitor labor issues The Wagner Act gave workers more power through the right to form unions

Second New Deal After two years of New Deal programs, the American economy showed little sign of recovery To try and speed up the recovery process, Roosevelt launched his second New Deal

Social Security Act Passed in 1935 the Social Security Act provided : - retirement benefits - unemployment insurance - welfare payments to the needy

Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt spoke to many women and African American groups and relayed their plight to the President Though little progress in race relations was made, Eleanor helped promote minority and women’s rights She fought for fair wages and fair treatment of women in the workplace, especially government jobs

Political Challenges: Huey Long Roosevelt’s New Deal Programs had opponents including Huey Long, a Senator from Louisiana Started “Share the Wealth” clubs believing that the government should take money from the rich and give it to the poor Wanted to run for President Was assassinated 1935

Criticisms of Conservative Opponents Conservative opponents said the New Deal went too far: It was socialism (killed individualism) It added to the national debt ($35 billion) It wasted money on relief and encouraged idleness It violated the constitution & states rights It increased the power of the Presidency (FDR was reaching toward dictatorship, Congress a rubber stamp, independence of judiciary threatened, separation of powers shattered)

Court Packing The Supreme Court had struck down several of Roosevelt’s programs declaring them unconstitutional In an attempt to control the Supreme Court, Roosevelt sent Congress a bill which would allow him to increase the number of justices on the court This would allow Roosevelt to appoint justices who were “friendly” towards his New Deal policies

Court Packing After much protest by Congress and many Americans, the bill was killed in the Senate Roosevelt over estimated his power

Neutrality Act As not only the U.S., but the world struggled to emerge from the economic depression, military dictators in several countries began to gain power (Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia). Worried that the U.S. would be drawn into another European war, Congress passed the Neutrality Act which made it illegal for Americans to sell weapons to any country at war and that goods purchased from the U.S. had to be paid in cash and transported on non U.S. ships Why would Congress insist on goods being transported on non U.S. ships?

Bell Ringer Court packing was FDR’s way of Getting a New Deal friendly court Getting a fairer ruling on Constitutional issues Getting more people on a tennis court Keeping checks and balances intact Hoover’s economic policies during the Great Depression could best be described as Socialism Laissez-faire Popular Creative and new Because of the dustbowl, farmers Migrated west Became business men Began to work other jobs to pay their mortgages Investing in irrigation systems Margin buying Gave stockbrokers a larger margin of profit Is when paper has narrow margins Is the best way to develop a large stock portfolio Is credit extended to people buying stock