Birth of the Whigs
New Political Party While president, Jackson made several political enemies. This led his opponents to break away from the Democratic Party and form a new party This new party was called the Whigs and supported internal improvements (aka the American System
Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) 8th president of U.S. and vice president of Jackson Jackson nominated Van Buren and for President Van Buren took the fault for the economic hard times.
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too Slogan used by the Whig Party in the election of 1840 to support their candidate William Henry Harrison. He was a war hero from the Battle of Tippecanoe. John Tyler was his vice president
William Henry Harrison 9th president of the U.S. Served as President for 1 month because died of pneumonia in office.
John Tyler 10th president of U.S. Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)- established the boundary between the U.S. and Canada from Maine to Minnesota.
Technological Expansion Eli Whitney- Cotton Gin and interchangeable parts Cyrus McCormick-inventor of the mechanical reaper John Deere- designed agricultural tools and machines like the steel plow. Robert Fulton- invented the steamboat Samuel Morse- developed the telegraph in 1837
Cotton Gin Mechanical Reaper Steel Plow Steam Boat Telegraph
Westward Expansion Manifest Destiny- Belief that it was America’s destiny to stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific This justified western expansion through war and Indian Removal Settlers poured westward seeking economic opportunity in the form of land and farms
Stephen Austin Led many Americans into Texas to settle and farm. Invited by the Mexican Government After many Americans moved to Texas they began to resist Mexican law. Americans led an armed revolt against the Mexican Government Wanted Texas independence.
Battle of the Alamo (1836) Battle in which a small Texan group fought to the last man against a vastly superior Mexican force. Texans hoped to buy time and prepare for war. “Remember the Alamo,” became the battle cry for the Texan army.
Lone Star Republic Texans eventually gained independence from Mexico becoming an independent nation called the Lone Star republic. Sam Houston became the first president of the new republic. Texas will join the U.S. as a state in 1845.