Honors Biology Class 9-2-2015 Standard Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining homeostasis and cell reproduction. Target: I can name and identify functions of the organelles in a cell. Question of the day The fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane a. describes the arrangement of the phospholipid bilayer. b. includes the embedded proteins and lipids surrounding the nucleus. c. refers to the nuclear membrane. d. is a theory of how cell membranes are created. Agenda Question of the Day Review the answers for the draw the cell membrane Graded Plicker’s Quiz on Osmosis Card sort competition for the organelles Continue with review task cards Test and Project on Cells Thursday, 9/3
Graded Plicker’s Quiz on Osmosis Biology Class 9-2-2015 Standard Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining homeostasis and cell reproduction. Target: I can name and identify functions of the cell membrane Question of the day The fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane a. describes the arrangement of the phospholipid bilayer. b. includes the embedded proteins and lipids surrounding the nucleus. c. refers to the nuclear membrane. d. is a theory of how cell membranes are created. Agenda Question of the Day Graded Plicker’s Quiz on Osmosis Card sort competition for the organelles Kahoots if we have time Continue with review task cards Test and Project on Cells Thursday, 9/3