Warm- Up Activity Quick Write – Think about the following question and create a compilation of arguments for and against the following topic: “Can you think of 3 good reasons for the United States to control a poorer country like Cuba? Can you think of 3 arguments against it?”
The Imperialist Vision Chapter 5 Lesson 1
What was the Monroe Doctrine? President Monroe told Europe to stop trying to colonize America US basically controlled the Western Hemisphere US begins to expand its influence to other regions
Turn and Talk: What do you see? What does it mean? What is Imperialism? “The economic & political domination of a strong country over a weak one” Often seen as obtrusive Countries might own a colony or protectorate Turn and Talk: What do you see? What does it mean?
What were the motives for the US to expand? (Turn and Talk) Humanitarianism (White Man’s Burden - help others) Europe was expanding for resources New trade markets (partners) Social Darwinism suggested most competitive nations would survive Manifest Destiny – Idea God wants US to rule “Anglo-Saxonism” led to belief of superior English speaking society Congress authorized a new Navy b/c many thought US should dominate the world ***Which of the above reasons is a good reason / bad reason. Why?***
Think – Pair - Share
Why did the US look to the Pacific for new markets? It was the next thing! Manifest Destiny! US will force Japan to open its ports to trade by using military strength ***To trade across the Pacific the US opened ports on islands like Pago Pago and Hawaii***
How did the US get Hawaii? Aloha, Americans! By mid- 1800s settlers had moved there to plant sugarcane US gets to open a base at Pearl Harbor in exchange for no tariffs on sugar Sugar industry pressured Hawaiian King to give up authority **** “Hawaii” represents America’s entry into Imperialism****
Group Discussion: Change and Stay the Same In your groups: Create a list of things that you believe changed when the United States entered a country What would probably stay the same? Is the US presence an overall positive or negative? Why?
What was the Open Door Policy? Policy dictating Chinese trade US was worried about other countries “spheres of influence” Group of countries agreed to allow each other to trade for free throughout China
Varying Perspectives Activity #1 ) In your groups you will need to create a T – CHART #2) On one side you will record information pertaining to the attitudes of the peoples’ accounts that you are reading. #3) Discuss in your groups what you read and add information to your T-CHART #4) Find someone who read a different account and have them explain the perspective of their reading (fill out the other side of your chart)
Reading Activity (if time permits) While you read “Diplomacy in Latin America (pg 145)” #1) Why did the US want to build influence in Latin America? Is this a good idea? #2) Explain Pan-Americanism in your own words. #3) Describe James Blaine’s goals for Pan Americanism? #4) How would increasing trade in the region help strengthen US dominance?