The Island comparison Step 1 HOMEWORK Take out your vocab. Notecards and annotated book. Step 2 Notes heading Write down title & date. The Island comparison A Day: 3/9/16 B Day: 3/10/16 Step 3 Start the Welcome Work NO JOURNAL. You must complete the crossover OER for the two poems we looked at last lesson. Song of the day:
The Island
Movie Clip #1 How does the filmmaker create the atmosphere of the setting? What elements contribute to the mood? How does the setting of The Island contrast with the setting of Never Let Me Go? (text support)
Movie Clip #2 Steve Buscemi’s character is the “Miss Lucy” of The Island. How does his revelation compare and contrast to hers? (text support)
Movie Clip #3 Contrast the interaction between members of the “normal” society and the clones in The Island and Never Let Me Go. What do these differences reveal about the social conditions and norms of the contrasting settings? (text support)
Individual Reflection Hand in when completed
HOMEWORK: A Day Due Friday, 3/11 Read and annotate chapters 15-17 Reading Response #3
HOMEWORK: B Day Due Sunday, 3/13 Due Monday, 3/21 Reading Reflection #3 Due Monday, 3/21 Comment on someone’s post Read and annotate chapters 15-21