SPS 1 and 5 during W3-5 2019 J.MEIGNAN EN-ACE-OSS 23/01/2019
Activities ongoing week 3-4 Point 1 BA1: EPC works (MACAO/ Ncod decabling) Toilet renovation (Chemical toilets outside) Shaft/TT10: Fire safety WP3 (Dry riser) Removal Booster pump 23/01/2019 J.MEIGNAN
Activities ongoing week 3-4 Point 5 BA5: Start of the decabling today (Surface) Arc5-: Ac coating on-going LSS5: dismantling of the beam line Vacuum completely dismantled Every equipment have been removed except few specific one for UA9 and the supports** ECX5 Installation of the scaffolding (until next week) Arc 5+: Fire safety WP3 (fire safety) 23/01/2019 J.MEIGNAN
**Supports Equipment owners are responsible of their supports They are in charge to organise their removal, packaging and storage EN-HE will transport these supports to the storage place 23/01/2019 J.MEIGNAN
Activities scheduled on week 5 Point 5: Shaft: Decabling from 28/01 to 01/02 ECX5: Scaffolding (around the ECX5) Start of the rerouting of the cable trays for civil engineering 23/01/2019 J.MEIGNAN
Logistics EN-HE provide a service for the handling and the transport The requestor of this service is responsible for the packaging of his equipment on pallet, not provided by EN-HE These pallets MUST BE CLEAN This is not acceptable in a radioactive controlled area! BA3 – 23/01/2019 TA5 – 22/01/2019 23/01/2019 J.MEIGNAN
Reminder: rules near BA5 To avoid problems seen during other YETS/EYETS with neighbours Road to use Pedestrian roads Parking outside point 5 : forbidden 23/01/2019 J.MEIGNAN
Parking Thank you for your collaboration! The situation is almost good BA5 – 23/01 23/01/2019 J.MEIGNAN
Any questions?