Please have your homework journal out and open on your desk Multiple Choice Pick up your clicker Multiple Choice is on the chair- need a TEXTBOOK- page 404- multiple choice is over A MODEST PROPOSAL Please have your homework journal out and open on your desk
Binder Check tomorrow- please bring your binder Binder Check tomorrow- please bring your binder. We will also do some reflecting on your Gender Argument and your Creativity timed argument, so make sure you have those. First 10 minutes tomorrow- reading time for Heart of Darkness. Bring your copy.
Modest Proposal Questions PAGE 410 For Discussion: 1,3,5, 8 Rhetoric and Style: 2,4, 8, 10 Turn in
Let’s Check Your Syntax Work Clickers ready! Find your textbook work from yesterday- and open to page 997.
Heart of Darkness Remember, Major Works Folder is due 1/9. This is a huge part of your overall grade. Don’t make the same mistakes as before.
Know the Requirements. Take out your MWF instructions is you have them. All reading response journals must be typed, in size 12 font only, normal margins. Minimum is one typed page each, though more than that may be required to thoroughly answer the prompt. Your prompts are as follows: Minimal grammatical and mechanical errors. Indicate titles correctly. Paragraph intentionally. Uses a variety of syntactical structures appropriate for purpose Uses mature and sophisticated vocabulary correctly.
Know the Requirements. Evidence should include a variety of paraphrase, summary, and quotes, with correct citations. responses demonstrate a genuine and close reading and understanding of the text and its related issues. It is clear that you read and understood the text, and that you are able to go beyond comprehension to analysis.
What’s Wrong? Grand Isle is a place in Louisiana with many beaches and lots of tourism today. It is often very hot and that is why people are always swimming. Edna visits there in the summer. She is restrained by being a Victorian woman, meaning that she can’t just do whatever she wants. She is only supposed to take care of her kids. Creoles are important in the novel. Sources: