We are learning to use adjectives to describe a monster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgC6D5BpnuA Watch creepy clips and brainstorm words to describe the monsters - add to own vocabulary chart.
Monsters we know Brainstorm monsters they know e.g. Nessie, Dracula, ghosts and what they know about them.
The monstrous black bat flapped near my head. The terrifying monster had gigantic sharp teeth. I was so petrified that I couldn’t move. The monsters terrible breathe smelled like smelly socks! The beast was disgusting and filthy. Starter: Highlight the scary words in the sentences.
Starter 2: Use mat – roll dice and make a sentence using the word the dice lands on. Create sentences together to describe the ghost and the bat.
Challenge words – try to incorporate these into the previous sentences created. Extension task: Fill in the blanks on the worksheet to describe one of the monsters in the picture. Extension task 2 – write own description of their monster. Give points for each WOW word they are able to use. Plenary - read out favourite/creepiest sentence. If time, read extract from creepy story