Do Now Heading: Physics 500 Pt 2 Sit in your car groups from yesterday Take out any new materials you brought as well as your car Write down the homework in the homework log
Your Task You and your team will have the next 40 minutes to put final touches on your car as well as test out its ability to roll down the classroom Then as a class we will collect data on the cars
Data Table Time 1 (s) Time 2 (s) Average Time (s) Displacement (m) 2 4 2 4 6 8 10
Timers Start your stop watches once the car’s wheels have touched the floor Stop your stop watches when your car touches your taped meter marker Please do not reset until the team testing their car has had time to get their data from you
Due Monday A completed graph with the slope for each line segment Remember to follow our graphing guidelines (TAILS) 3 material write ups ( one for the axels, the body, and the wheels)