1st Semester Review The correct (accepted) value for the length of a metal rod is 22.6 cm. Which of these sets of measurements would be considered precise.


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Presentation transcript:

1st Semester Review The correct (accepted) value for the length of a metal rod is 22.6 cm. Which of these sets of measurements would be considered precise but not accurate? 22.5 cm, 22.7 cm, 22.6 cm 20.4 cm, 20.2 cm, 20.3 cm 12.6 cm, 22.6 cm, 32.6 cm 24.6 cm, 23.7 cm, 25.9 cm Fall 2013 MC Final Exam – Question #4 Answer: b

1st Semester Review When moving from a lower (ground state) to a higher energy level (excited state), the electron __________. always doubles its energy releases a certain amount of energy absorbs a certain amount of energy emits photons of light Fall 2013 MC Final Exam – Question #15 Answer: c

1st Semester Review The most common isotope of lithium is __________. Fall 2013 MC Final Exam – Question #22 Answer: d

1st Semester Review Which of the following statements about nuclear energy would NOT be true? Nuclear power plants are able to store and dispose of radioactive waste efficiently and safely. Nuclear power plants produce no air pollution or carbon dioxide emissions. Nuclear power reduces the consumption of fossil fuels compared to coal power. Nuclear reactions produce significantly greater amounts of energy than chemical reactions. Fall 2013 MC Final Exam – Question #25 Answer: a