Cartographers Decisions
I. Cartographers must decide… A. What will the map include and omit?
What is this map designed to show?
I. Cartographers must decide… B. What distortions are acceptable
I. Cartographers must decide… C. What type of map and map projection best fits the goal of the map
*the information included/omitted and other features of a map can show the bias of the cartographer
According to this map, what is the center of the world?
According to this map, what is the center of the world?
Different Types of Maps
Physical Map
Political Map
Different types of maps Reference map – a general purpose map with physical and human features
Thematic maps – highlight a particular feature
Choropleth map – uses shading to show variables
Pin Dot – each dot represents a number of occurrences
Population density of China
Cartograms show size using data other than area
Isoline map – connects points of equal value to make lines on a map
Ex: Topographic Map
Ex: Weather Map
Proportional symbol – uses a symbol to show frequency or intensity of variable
Large Scale vs. Small Scale
Large scale shows small areas in greater detail
Small scale maps show large areas in less detail
Key / Legend
Compass Rose / Cardinal Directions
Methods of representing scale
Representative fraction – 1/50,000 or 1:50,000
Verbal scale – 1in. = 1 mile
Graphic scale – black and white line
How can a map solve a real world problem? Dr Snow's Map