Five Kingdoms By Tyler Jarrett
Animalia Vertebrate invertebrate Mammals Molluscs birds Worms Reptiles Arthropods Amphibians Echinoderms Fish Coelerteerates Animals with back bones are called invertebrate. Animals with back bones are called Vertebrate. Those are the main division of the Animalia.
Plantae The Plantae includes all land plants: mosses, ferns,conifers, flowing plants, and so on—an amazing range of diverse forms. With more than 250,000 species. Plants have been around for a very long time. The plants first appeared in the Ordovician. They make co2 and they have chlorophyll this is what makes plants green , this is caused by sunlight and rain.
Fungi There are about 40 000 different types of fungi. They include: *mushrooms *toadstools *moulds *mildews *rusts Fungi can live any wear. Fungi are decomposers they break down dead plants and animals.
protists The amoeba is a simple animal made up of just one cell. It normally lives in ponds, ditches or slowly moving streams. The amoeba is just visible to the naked eye. It eats, respires, digests food and excretes waste. It moves about, responds to stimuli, grows, is able to repair and reproduces.
Monera What are Bacteria? Bacteria are microbes. These are minute living things. Microbes are so tiny they can only be seen through a special type of microscope. Where are microbes found? Microbes are found everywhere. Microbes are found in the earth, water, air, plants and animals. Microbes are not green because they have no chlorophyll, so they do not need on sunlight to make their food. How do microbes spread? Because they are so tiny, microbes spread easily from one place to another. They can be carried on though the air in water and on and in the bodies of other animals.