Segment Constructions Lesson 3.6 Segment Constructions pp. 109-111
Objectives: 1. To develop good construction skills. 2. To construct a copy of a segment. 3. To construct the bisector of a segment.
A sketch is a careful freehand picture made only with a writing instrument such as a pencil. A drawing of a geometric figure is made with the use of tools.
A construction is a drawing made with the aid of only two instruments: an unmarked straightedge and a compass.
Guidelines for construction: 1. Make sure that your compass pencil and your free pencil are very sharp. 2. Lines and compass marks should look like eyelashes on the paper. Make light marks that can be erased if necessary.
Guidelines for construction: 3. Be neat! Carefully align your arcs and lines to pass through the correct points. Also, do not use dots for points. The marks of the compass where arcs cross are adequate and neater.
Homework p. 111
■ Cumulative Review 16. Sketch a concave nonagon.
■ Cumulative Review 17. Sketch a circle. Show a chord, a diameter, and a tangent that are all parallel. Label each.
■ Cumulative Review 18. How many diagonals does a regular octagon have?
■ Cumulative Review 19. How many edges does a tetrahedron have?
■ Cumulative Review 20. Sketch a quadrilateral that has a diagonal that intersects the exterior of the quadrilateral.