External Assessment – 2018 Biology HL
Papers 1 – 1 hour – 40 multiple choice questions – Topics 1-11 (NO CALCULATORS) 2 – 2.25 hours – data based question, short answer and extended response questions on core material (1-11) Use of calculator permitted 3 – 1.25 hours - Part A – 2-3 short answer questions based on experimental skills and techniques, analysis and evaluation, using unseed data linked to core and AHL material. Part b is short answer and extended response questions from one option Calculator is permitted
Strategies Multiple Choice – there is no penalty for guessing. Make sure to answer ALL multiple choice questions.
Strategies DBQs – present you with data in some form and then ask you questions about the data. Some questions will ask you to read the data displayed and some will ask you to draw conclusions from it. You are expected to use the data given in the question…reference it! Make sure you always include units! Grading is positive. So if you write something wrong, there is no penalty. But if you contradict yourself, you won’t receive a mark. If the question says calculate, you must show your work. Use a ruler when answering DBQs since the graphs are often small and the degree of precision required in your answers is demanding.
STrategies KNOW YOUR COMMAND TERMS! The examiner does not know you…you must communicate fully what you know and not expect the examiner to fill in blanks for information that you do not relate clearly. State the obvious in your answers. Many of the items in a markscheme will be information that is very basic in relation to the question. Do not use abbreviations that may be unfamiliar to someone else. Be clear and concise with your choice of words. If the examiner cannot read your writing, you will not get a mark Make sure to use extra paper if you need it. Do not write in the margin or up the side of the page. Number the remainder of the response on the extra paper so the examiner knows where the response to continues.
Draw and Label Draw all diagrams in pencil and label in ink. Print all labels horizontally on the page Use a ruler to draw a line from the label to the item in the drawing and be sure the line exactly touches the part that it is labelling Make sure the diagram takes up at least a third of the page Always title a diagram