Booksy University Admin and SuperUser
Agenda Admin and SuperUser Admin: what it is, and what we use it for. How to use Admin SuperUser: what it is, and what we use it for. How to use SuperUser Your Admin and SuperUser cheat sheet The most important lesson to learn Note: are you covering things like making manual changes to lead times?
Bookings: history, statuses, changes 1. Admin Materials for the… admin side of Booksy Admin is our grand overview of business/user information for internal purposes What can I view in admin? Quick Reports 2 Business info: status, start, trial/pay information, profile info, changes Bookings: history, statuses, changes Notifications: who sent what and when User info (business and client): user id, password, email
What can I do in admin? “Administrative modifications” Admin is our grand overview of business/user information for internal purposes What can I do in admin? “Administrative modifications” change user’s / business’ email change user’s / business’ password change status of a business import customers * *Training for this on a later date. Using SuperUser instead is recommended.
1. Admin: Status Types Understanding how businesses are classified There are two active levels: Active: the business is visible in Marketplace Inactive: the business is not visible in Marketplace These are paired with different status types: Setup: the business has not completed profile and did not click “Start Using Booksy” Demo: a fake account for demonstration purposes. Trial: business has full access to features for a limited time without paying (except SMS)* Trial End: business gets a countdown before it becomes Blocked* Blocked: after trial end, the business can’t login. Active blocked accounts are still visible in Marketplace and clients can book. Paid: this business has paid for Booksy at some point, no money is owed Payment Overdue: the business has current failed payments Blocked Payment Overdue: consistent failure to pay- works like Blocked *Trial and Trial End are only relevant in certain countries.
What can I view in SuperUser? Handling information from the user’s point of view SuperUser allows you to access any account and see it just as users see it What can I view in SuperUser? The user’s profile details, settings, and appointments Note: Technically, everything you can see in SuperUser can be found in admin too. However, this is the user-friendly interface that may be better for visualizing information. It sounds creepy to tell them we’re going into their account, so just tell them we’re looking at the information from the “admin side”.
What can I do in SuperUser? “Initiative modifications” Handling information from the user’s point of view What can I do in SuperUser? “Initiative modifications” Basically, here is where you would do anything the business could do themselves, but for some reason wants you to do for them.* E.g. modifying settings, blocking clients, adding photos, etc. Import customers ** *Do not change emails in SuperUser- this should be done in admin. **Training for this on a later date.
3.) Your Admin/SuperUser Cheat Sheet An overview of the facts from the video Admin: behind the scenes data and processes Quick Reports 2: An extremely helpful tool where you can view/download valuable information in an easily readable format - Admin > Home > Quick Reports 2 Things we do in Admin: change password, email, and status SuperUser: see the account through the user’s eyes Things we do in SuperUser: whatever a user could do themselves. Login: “+BooksyGod1+business’s email address - no spaces!” - Can also use “+BooksyGod5+business’s email address” Password: Booksy
3.) Your Admin/SuperUser Cheat Sheet Knowledge at your fingertips Want to see an example of one process without watching the whole Booksy University lesson video? We have instructions in the Help Center which covers much of the material here! We *strongly* recommend that you review this information: PLUS: To see how Admin and SuperUser interact in real customer situations, please go here:
4. The most important part of this lesson If you learn anything from this lesson, it is this:
4. Administrative code of conduct: a serious responsibility Both Admin and SuperUser are incredibly powerful tools. When used properly, they provide necessary data for our work and also allow us to offer superior customer service. BUT If used improperly, the consequences can be disastrous. Mistakes in admin can result in damages to the business, our data, and our relationships with businesses and clients.
Administrative Code of Conduct How to use tools properly It is your responsibility to carefully learn the processes from this lesson, and do the activities involved to make sure you are comfortable with these tools. Dutifully manage your responsibilities related to admin- failure to input information can cause just as many problems as wrongly modified information. If you don’t have training in an area, don’t mess with it. Before using these tools to modify ANYTHING in a real situation, you should ask yourself the following questions: Do I have the proper permissions to do this? (management/user) Am I sure of what I am doing, and what else this may affect? Is this the best location to be doing this? If something does go wrong, please report it immediately. The purpose of this slide is not to paralyze you with fear- we don’t want you to call us every time a business needs a password change. But we do want to remind you that this is not a toy to play with. If we haven’t shown you something here, you shouldn’t touch it. Just show the system the caution and respect it deserves, and you’ll be fine.
5. How does the process look like? Training step by step Training Checklist is a document that is supposed to help you make sure you cover most important points of the training You will find very useful especially in the initial stages of the onboarding You can bring the checklist to a training with you THANK YOU You can find a ready-to-download Training Checklist here