Different forms of a gene allele
? Both parents contribute Offspring = tt ? Both parents contribute Recessive allele
Have 2 identical alleles for a trait homozygous
During gamete formation, genes for dif During gamete formation, genes for dif. Traits separate without influencing others (2 words) Independent assortment
One allele for a gene is not completely dominant over the other Incomplete dominance
4 dif. Versions of the gene for rabbit coat color Multiple alleles
Meiosis I produces what type of cells and how many 2 haploid cells
what type of cells and how many Mitosis produces what type of cells and how many 2 diploid cells
Variation in human skin color ex. Of? Polygenic traits
Gametes are produced by what process meiosis
Homologous pair of chromosomes each with 2 chromatids tetrad
2 genes rarely assort independently, so they are located Close to each other
A good molecule for storing info DNA
Can be joined together in any order like letters of the alphabet DNA
DNA replication must happen before a cell ________ divides
What do bacteriophages infect bacteria
What organism has DNA in a nucleus eukaryotes
During DNA replication, what bases bind together A-T and C-G
This results in 2 DNA molecules; one new and one old DNA replication
Which cells in the accurate transmission of info most important Sex cells
Other than cytosine… what 2 things are needed for a cytosine nucleotide Deoxyribose and phosphate group
Rule Tells us % of Adenine = % of thymine Base pairing
Unlike DNA, RNA contains what? uracil
Type of RNA that brings info (from genetic code) from nucleus to rest of cell mRNA
In transcription; the RNA is _______ to DNA complementary
Cell uses a mRNA to code to make proteins translation
Genes contain instructions to make what? proteins
A cell reads instructions in DNA to make a protein Gene expression
What type of cell has transcription in the nucleus and translation in the cytoplasm eukaryotes
Most mutations have ______ effect on an organism No (none)
Human females produce egg cells that have _________ chromosome One X
How many chromosomes are shown in a normal human karyotype 46
Sex-linked genes are located on what chromosome/s X and Y
The failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis is called nondisjunction
This contains genes vital for normal development (no baby has been born without it) X chromosome
If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis, some gametes may have this Extra copies of genes
Project is an attempt to sequence the DNA of every human gene Human Genome
More than 40% of ______ coded for in the human genome are similar to those found in other organisms proteins
64 codons & 20 amino acids = Several different codons can specify the same ___________
This leads to bigger and stronger plants compared to diploid plants Polyploidy
Who (2) suggested that Earth is millions of years old Hutton and Lyell
Who (2) suggested that Earth was old enough for evolution to have occurred Hutton and Lyell
Who stated traits are “use or disuse” Lamarck
Who stated that human populations would be kept in check by events like war, starvation and disease Thomas Malthus
What type of selection does a farmer use when breeding the best livestock artificial
What is the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its specific environment fitness
What happens to an individual who's variations are best suited to environmental conditions Survives/lives
If organisms share a # of inherited characteristics, they most likely have a common _______ Descent
What type of structures are formed by having similar patterns of embryological development in diff. but related organisms homologous
Sexual reproduction, lateral gene transfer, and mutations are three sources of _________ __________ Genetic variation
The members of the same _______ are defined as being able to mate and produce offspring species
The genes carried by all members of a particular population make up the population’s _____ _______ Gene pool
Natural section acts directly on ____________ phenotypes
The frequency of phenotypes for a typical polygenic trait is most often illustrated as Bell-shaped curve
Based on the classification naming system the 2nd name refers to its ________ species
analysis that focuses on the order in which derived characters appeared in organisms Cladistic analysis
What 2 structures in eukaryotic cells contain DNA Nuclei and mitochondria
The evolution of the main eukaryotes When did the 3 domains of living things diverge? (before what happened) The evolution of the main eukaryotes
What do all organisms use to pass on information DNA
A trait that arose in an ancestor and is passed along to its descendants Derived character
Similar DNA sequences in genes can be evidence of _________ _________ Common ancestry
The grouping of organisms based on their common decent is called? Evolutionary classification
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