Family Institutions Devyn Talbot, Julianne Russo, Emily Paige, Patricia Reynolds, Morgan Pichel
What is a Social Institution? It is behaviors that are governed by the rules set in society. A family institution is made up of relationships defined by birth, marriage, or adoptions. Family institutions vary between cultures, income levels, races, etc.
Overview of family institution Family is important in - The raising of a child - Providing a sense of identity - Teaching the child about their culture, values, and norms The roles of a family institution are universal however they differ in the ways they teach them There are also different types of family. In the U.S. it could be nuclear families (two parents, one man one woman), single parent households, unmarried couples, and gay/lesbian couples
Functionalist View of Family primary socialization - children learn society’s cultural norms - happens during early childhood - family has large impact - teach child between right and wrong personality stabilization - family assists adult family members emotionally - support and advice within marriage - kept healthy and happy
Feminist View of Family domestic division of labor - women are trapped in household - forced to become housewives - child care, house work unequal power relationships - domestic violence - abuse - incest some views have gradually changed most feminists still agree with these values
Marxist View of the Family See the family as a place of conflict, with unequal relations of power between its members Views family as a tool of capitalism - Aids capitalism by being a consumer of goods - Create the next generation that fills jobs Family is there to provide comfort to the main provider, generally the male
Personal Impact of Family teaches right from wrong shows love, compassion, kindness helps build personality, confidence, happiness helps one grow as a person there for assistance, advice encouraging; wants children to be successful