8 Steps to writing the perfect paragraph
1 State your position: What are you trying to prove in this paragraph?
2 Introduce your evidence; how will you prove your point? Use quotations “ “ Ex. “This is demonstrated when….” Please do not start a sentence with a quotation!
3 Quote properly using page numbers. “Little pig, little pig! Let me in!” (3). “Quotation” (page number).
3 Quote properly using page numbers and authors if more than one text are used. “Little pig, little pig! Let me in!” (Balagus,3). “Quotation” (author, page number).
4 Explain how the quotation proves your position. This quotation proves… This demonstrates…
5 Transition onward, using phrases like: Furthermore On the other hand Similarly Secondly Introduce your second piece of evidence.
6 Use your second piece of evidence Transition the quotation into your sentence For websites, use the author (government of Canada) The big, bad wolf should have been charged with breaking and entering when he went to the second pig’s house and destroyed the home by announcing he would “huff and puff and blow the house down” (8).
7 Explain your second piece of evidence: This demonstrates that the big, bad wolf physically and verbally intimidated the little pigs by blowing their house down in order to eat them.
8 Concluding sentence How will you leave your reader believing your point? It should mirror your introductory sentence. (Mic drop).
The big, bad wolf needs a big, bad sentence The big, bad wolf should have been legally charged with trespassing, destruction of property, and attempted murder in the fairy tale, The Three Little Pigs. The three pigs had the right to own and build their own property that only they were legally allowed to be in. When the wolf arrived at the first pigs home, the pigs did not accept the wolf’s plea to enter, not even “by the hair of [their] chinny chin chins” (2). This proves that the pigs did not want the wolf on their property and clearly communicated this with the wolf. Similarly, the wolf physically destroyed the first two pig’s houses using his breath in order to eat and murder the pigs. When he was denied entry, he destroyed the homes by announcing he would “huff and puff and blow the house down” (8). The wolf used his physical superiority to destroy the homes so he could get to the pigs and try to eat them. By ignoring the pigs pleas and blowing down their homes, the big, bad wolf should have been arrested on the spot for attempted murder, trespassing, and destruction of property.