announced, arrived, glum, members, rebuild Vocabulary: Lemonade for Sale announced, arrived, glum, members, rebuild
Lemonade for Sale Click on each word to see the definition! Read each vocabulary word and the definition. announced arrived glum members rebuild Click on each word to see the definition! B. Take a Quiz???
announced Meaning: made something known to many people Sentence: Mom announced that if our chores were done we could go to the movies.
arrived The bus arrived at school just as the bell was ringing. Meaning: came to a place Sentence: The bus arrived at school just as the bell was ringing.
glum The young girl felt glum on the wet, rainy day. Meaning: gloomy; sad Sentence: The young girl felt glum on the wet, rainy day.
members Bob and John are members of the Boy Scouts Club. Meaning: those who belong to a group Sentence: Bob and John are members of the Boy Scouts Club.
rebuild The rancher had to rebuild the broken fence. Meaning: make something again; build again. Sentence: The rancher had to rebuild the broken fence.
Lemonade for sale Vocabulary Quiz DIRECTIONS: Read each question and click on the correct answer. If you get it wrong use the arrow button to go back to the question and try again. Click on the buttons to go to the next question.
A. glum B. rebuild C. announced D. members The little boy felt ______________ after he broke his new toy airplane. A. glum B. rebuild C. announced D. members NEXT QUESTION
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The farmer had to _____________ his fruit stand after the bad weather knocked it down. A. arrived B. glum C. rebuild D. announced NEXT QUESTION
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The teacher ______________ that Open House would be held tomorrow night. A. glum B. arrived C. rebuild D. announced NEXT QUESTION
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The ____________ of the 4-H Club were collecting canned goods for Thanksgiving. A. glum B. members C. announced D. arrived NEXT QUESTION
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A. members B. glum C. arrived D. announced The airplane ____________ at the airport at 10:30am this morning. A. members B. glum C. arrived D. announced NEXT QUESTION
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