The Preparation Phase: Part II: partner search Juras Ulbikas
Partner search – Introduction Partners must be: Reliable Dedicated Having some experience in FP projects How to find good partners? How to motivate another party to join your idea?
Partner search – Introduction The importance of reliable and performing partners Commitment to work together: On very challenging but risky research For few years (2-5) Pressure of Commission’s reporting requirements The principle of “jointly and severally liable” No longer in financial respect The consortium as a whole is responsible for the work A defaulting partner hurts the entire consortium
Partner search – How to find good partners? Core of consortium circle of research teams with whom you are working already proven reliable can deliver) Partners needed according call/proposal objectives: Brought by core consortium partners Internet search
Partner search – Consortium Consortium structure depends on Specific Work Programme and Call objectives Partners Focus on basic research advancement Reputable, well-known Universities, Research Centers Researchers recognised as leaders in particular field (publications) Focus on technology commercialisation Industrial partners able to contribute and to uptake developed technology (very important!)
Partner search – Type of partners Core partners vs. Contributing partners Core partners are essential for the tasks to be performed specific expertise highly relevant for the project their role is mission-critical Contributing partners are important but often alternatives can be found test institute industrial end user
Partner search – Search strategy “Bucket” vs. “Searchlight” approach (after Karl Popper) “Bucket” approach Quantity focused Acquire data and information Construct a picture based on the findings “Searchlight” approach Quality focused Know in advance what you look for Approach a selective number of prospective partners
Partner search – Search strategy Use the project outline Balance between giving away the idea, and providing useful information Consider outlines with different levels of detail Avoid “cosmetic” partners Organisations (incl. NCPs) mainly use the bucket approach
Partner search – Search strategy Usually the “searchlight” is most effective Make a clear profile of the “ideal” partner Probability of getting a fitting partner that agrees is 40% the bucket approach usually gets a response rate of 1% or worse The party approached will never feel the proposal as a waste of time, even if it declines the offer
Partner search – Joining other projects To be invited to H2020 proposals: Check your website profile / team description Put advertisement in H2020 partner search engine