Tech Project Proposal Writing Assignment Gr. 12 Language and Technical Communications
Today’s Agenda Welcome back from Spring Break…Sharing Circle Multiple Intelligences My Skills, Talents, Interests and Areas for Improvements Activity Introduce Tech Project Proposal Writing Assignment Six Different Proposal Profiles Generating Ideas in My Own Community
My Skills… My Talents… My Interests… My Areas for Improvement…
Tech Project Proposal Writing Assignment In pairs, you will be brainstorming, constructing and submitting a proposal based on a problem, need, want, or challenge that you see in the D.M.C.I. school community. You need to both feel genuinely passionate about the topic you choose, only then can it be a realistic proposal ready for implementation. Your topics may fit into one of the following categories… #1). Write a proposal for a new student group/after school club that you believe should be offered to the students of D.M.C.I. #2). Write a proposal that explains what you think should be done with the courtyard space located in the centre of D.M.C.I. #3). Write a proposal that describe the need for a student-run school store located in D.M.C.I. #4). Write a proposal that illustrates the need for a student lounge at D.M.C.I.
Successful and Imaginative People Profiles - Read each profile - Write an individual response to each of these questions - Repeat this process for all six of the profiles Questions Identify the Creative Idea: Who is the audience or target market for the idea? What specific skills, talents, and interests from his Base of Knowledge influenced the business? What specific problem, need, want, or challenge did each person address?
Generating Ideas in My Own Community On your own, think of the many communities you are a part of. In each of those communities there are opportunities and challenges that are waiting to be improved upon. Think about these things, what are the problems, needs, wants and challenges that your communities are facing. Now, think of some solutions or ideas that you believe have the potential to change your community in a positive way. Complete the sheet, there is space for you to address four different solutions/ideas. Use all the space you need. You will be sharing your responses.