Planning and beginning an assignment Lecturer Nikki Hardman Study Skills Planning and beginning an assignment Lecturer Nikki Hardman
Aims Aim To assist you in planning assignments To help you start assignments
Group Work In small groups consider at present how you plan and start assignment
Before you begin Ensure that you know your subject Ensure you have information/notes etc Ensure that you have all the materials Read around the subject
Making the plan On a piece of paper either write or draw the areas you are going to cover This could be in bullet points or a mind map
Mind Map
The mind map could have as much detail as you wish It is for your benefit to help you plan
Deciding the order Next it is important for you to decide the order of the subject – how you are going to deal with the issues
Introduction Gives a brief outline of what you will cover
Main body Goes through each point in turn
Conclusion Summarises main points
Beginning the assignment Start with a clear introduction Turn the assignment task around