skyclan The leaping clan.
Skyclans camp is in a gorge. They used to live in fallen trees. Their camp Skyclans camp is in a gorge. They used to live in fallen trees.
Battle moves The sky crusher Flick over The kick The slice Balance on high branch don’t make a sound then land squarely on enemy Flick over Balance on thin branch, land on all four paws outstretched to your enemy , knock your enemies legs so they loose their balance. The kick Balance on thin branch, kick the enemy as you near ground, use the momentum of the fall to spring back before enemy has time to attack. The slice Balance on branch make no sound, then drop with unsheathed claws for maximum injury Branch swing Hold on to branch with hind claws and scratch the enemy face
leaders Cloudstar: gray tom with spots Spiderstar: tabby brown tom Leafstar: dappled she cat Buzzardstar: brown tabby tom
spiderfoot Buzzardtail Leafstorm Cloudfoot Sharpclaw Leafdapple deputies spiderfoot Buzzardtail Leafstorm Cloudfoot Sharpclaw Leafdapple
Echosong: silver tabby she cat with green eyes Medicine cats Fawnstep: brown she cat with white spots on her back and one white foot and green eyes Echosong: silver tabby she cat with green eyes
The clan that can: Skyclan can jump really high and have hard paw pads for climbing trees and landing on the hard ground.