Title: Breathing Lesson Objectives - Identify what breathing is - Describe what happens to our breathing rate when we exercise - Explain reasons why this happens
Breathing, what do you know? When we breathe in, the diaphragm contracts (goes down) and chest expands When we breathe out, the diaphragm relaxes (goes up) and chest contracts (goes in) Inhales air contains: Oxygen to create energy Not much carbon dioxide Exhaled air contains: Less oxygen and more carbon dioxide. Oxygen is used up in respiration Carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product
TASK What changes take place while we exercise? Discuss in pairs and write ideas on mind map Breathe faster Breathe deeper Muscles get tired Sweaty Hot Heart rate increases
VIDEO: How to check your heart rate 1.12
Measure your resting heart rate for one minute TASK Measure your resting heart rate for one minute What happens to our breathing rate when we exercise?
TASK GROUP 1 – Squats GROUP 2 – Running on the spot GROUP 3 – Star jumps GROUP 4 – Fast punching in air GROUP 5 – Resting Students to complete the activity for one minute - Write their breathing rate on the mind map and compare as a class
What is a breathing rate? TASK What is a breathing rate? Number of breaths per minute
TASK Breathing rate = Number of breaths per minute Resting Breathing Rate = ______ breaths/minute Sporting Breathing Rate = ______ breaths/minute Number of breaths per minute
TASK Complete the word fill EXTENSION What are the benefits of exercise? Why do we sweat? Number of breaths per minute
EXIT TICKET 4 5 6 Identify what breathing is Describe what happens to our breathing rate when we exercise 6 Explain reasons why this happens Identify what breathing is - Describe what happens to our breathing rate when we exercise - Explain reasons why this happens