Volcanoes Gateways to the Underworld
Magma vs. Lava Magma- Molten rock underneath Earth’s surface → Intrusive Lava- Molten rock above Earth’s surface → Extrusive
Lava Flows The ability of lava to flow depends on its viscosity The more viscous a substance is the slower it flows Water has low viscosity Honey has high viscosity The more silica the lava contains the greater its viscosity
Types of Lava/Magma Basaltic: Andesitic Rhyolitic Low viscosity, low gas, low silica Andesitic Medium viscosity, medium gas, medium silica Rhyolitic high viscosity, high gas, high silica
Comparison between lava flows Highly Viscous Flow -dome-like shape -travels little distance Andesitic flow Viscous Flow -thick flows -travels some distance Basaltic flow Fluid Flow -thin flows -travels great distance
Where Do Volcanoes Occur? 80% convergent boundaries –Ring of Fire 15% divergent boundaries – Midocean Ridge Hot Spots- Hot mantle rises toward Earth’s surface
Typical Volcano Crater Summit Vent Flank Vent Magma Chamber
Plutons Intrusive igneous rock bodies Cooled magma formations Five different types Can be exposed on Earth’s surface
Batholiths and Stocks Batholiths- largest plutons Course-grained igneous rocks, 10-100km2 Stocks- Irregularly shaped plutons, smaller than batholiths. Both cut across older rocks.
Laccoliths Laccoliths: mushroom-shaped pluton with round top and flat bottom Squeezes in between parallel layers of rock
Sills- flat pluton that squeezes in between parallel layers of rock Sills and Dikes Sills- flat pluton that squeezes in between parallel layers of rock Dikes – cuts across pre-existing rocks by invading a cracks Coarse-grained What effects do you think these intrusions have on the surrounding rock? Cm to 100s m thick Coarse grained so how does that mean that they have cooled? Fast or slow?