Catechism of the Catholic Church FOUR PILLARS OF THE CATECHISM
The Creeds – Credo “Synthesis” /“Professions” of Faith Gathered from all Scriptures “Summary of Faith encompassed in a few words the whole knowledge of the true religion contained in the Old Testament and the New Testament” – St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Baptismal Creed Three Parts 1st Divine Person – work of Creation 2nd Divine Person – mystery of Redemption 3rd Divine Person – Sanctification 12 Articles – separate but connected as articulations in the body 12 Apostles – fullness of Apostolic faith
Apostles Creed / Nicene Creed (oldest Roman Catechism) (325 & 381) 12 Articles I believe in God Father/creator I believe in the Holy Spirit I believe in Jesus Christ I believe in the Holy Catholic Church Conceived by the Holy Spirit I believe in the forgiveness of sins Suffered, died, buried I believe in the Resurrection Descended into hell; rose on third day I believe in life everlasting Ascended into heaven Will come to judge
God reveals His name to Moses on Sinai – Theophany Article 1: “I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and Earth” Belief in God vs. One God God reveals His name to Moses on Sinai – Theophany “I am Who Am” – YHWH Tetragrammaton “Lord” = Adenai (Heb) = Kyrios (Grk)
Implications of faith in one God Article 1: “I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and Earth” God is truth and love Truth itself – cannot deceive/ be deceived Full Trust in His wisdom Love – Sheer gratuitous love More than mother’s or spouse’s love. Everlasting love. God is Love (1 John) Implications of faith in one God To know God’s greatness and majesty Living in Thanksgiving Knowing the unity and dignity of all men
Implications (cont’d) Article 1: “I believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and Earth” Implications (cont’d) Making good use of created things Trusting God in every circumstance Prayer of St. Teresa of Avila “Let nothing trouble you/ Let nothing frighten you. Everything passes/ God never changes Patience / Obtains all Whoever has God/ wants for nothing God alone is enough”
Article 1, Paragraph 2: The Father Baptism: In the NAME (not names) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity One God, Three Persons Central mystery of the Faith; of God himself Source of other mysteries Essential teaching, fundamental in the hierarchy of the truths of faith Only difference between three Persons is their relationship to one another
Article 1, Paragraph 2: The Father Revelation of God as Trinity Father revealed by the Son – Father is first origin & authority; goodness, loving care Paternal tenderness is an image of motherhood God transcends human distinction of sexes Neither man nor woman, but God Son is consubstantial with the Father (Nicaea 325) Homo-ousius (Grk) – Consubstantialis (Latin) Father and Son revealed by the Spirit The Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son (filioque) Council of Florence (1438 AD)
Theological Terms/ Definitions Homo-ousious vs. Homo-i-ousious (Same) (Similar) 2 Processions Son proceeds from the Father Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son Generation – function of God the Father only Spiration – breathe of God, Father and Son breath the Holy Spirit Relationship – the only difference between the three Persons is relationship between them Hypostasis – technical term for Person Substance – essence or nature
Formation of Trinitarian Dogma Reasons for Formation: 1. Development of Dogma – to own understanding of faith. 2. To defend against heresy Trinity is One – Consubstantial, each whole, entire (do not share one divinity) Divine Persons distinct from one another Divine Persons are relative to one another
Divine Works and Trinitarian Missions The whole divine economy (oikonomia = works) is the common work of the three Divine Persons All three are equally present in all works and missions However, each Divine Persons performs the common work according to His unique personal property
Article 1, Paragraph 3: Almighty God’s omnipotence or Power 1. Universal – all things are possible for Him 2. Loving – takes care of our needs. Filial adoption. Infinite mercy 3. Mystery – mysterious. Experience of evil and suffering. The almighty power revealed in voluntary humiliation and resurrection of the Son.