Tragedians Aeschylus – 524-456 – We believe he wrote about 70 plays; 7 survive to us today. Among his most famous are the Prometheus Bound, the Seven Against Thebes, and the Oresteia trilogy. He is the earliest tragedian of whom works survive. 2ND ACTOR! Sophocles – 496-406 – He is accredited with writing 123 plays; 7 survive. The most famous of these is Oedipus Rex. 3RD ACTOR! Euripides – 480-406 – He is accredited with writing 95 plays; 18 have survived. Some of these include Medea, Hippolytus, and the Bacchae.
Comedians While we know of many comedians very few survive. Aristophanes – 456-386 – We are told that he wrote 40 plays; 11 survive. He is the only writer of Greek Old Comedy to survive in more than fragmentary form. His plays include the Lysistrata, the Frogs, and the Knights. 4TH ACTOR! Menander – 342-291 – Of the several dozen plays he wrote, only one, the Dyskolos survives entirely. He is the only surviving representative of Greek New Comedy.
Historians Herodotus – 484-425 – Father of History/Father of Lies – He is famous for writing the accounts of the Persian Wars. Thucydides – 460-395 – He is famous for writing the accounts of the Peloponnesian War, and writing more objectively than his predecessor.
Philosophers Xenophon – 431-355 – Like Plato, he was a follower of Socrates and wrote alternate versions of some of the same dialogues as Plato. Plato – 428-348 – He wrote philosophical dialogues centered around the semi-historical character Socrates. Major works include the Apology, the Death of Socrates, the Symposium, and the Phaedrus. Aristotle – 384-322 – He wrote some dialogues as well as treatises on numerous matters. Famous works include the Physics, the Metaphysics, the Categories, and the Poetics.
Scientists Hipppocrates – 460-377 – Father of medicine! His work survives in the writings of his followers, which attempt to give rational causes and solutions to illness. Aristarchus – 310-230 – Figured out that the sun was at the center of the solar system and about how far away it was. Archimedes – 287-212 – A famous inventor, he discovered a great many principles including displacement and perhaps calculus.