Drug Abuse & Addiction
What is a drug? Drug: chemical compound or substance that can alter the structure & function of the body. Medication: drug that is used to treat an illness or disease according to guidelines
Drug abuse Illicit drugs or inappropriate use of a legal drug. Why do people start abusing drugs?
Drug abuse is voluntary; Addiction is compulsive Analyze data from a rat experiment Rats were placed in cages with 2 levers Food lever- pellet of food came out Stimulus lever- received an injection or electrical stimulus Graph the data for one rat Evaluate the experiment Compare with other members
Why do humans continue to abuse drugs? Addiction Continued compulsive use of drugs despite adverse health or social consequences What is the difference between abuse & addiction?
When does abuse become addiction? Divide deck of cards Face cards Aces & number cards Playing the Game Each student in the group plays individually, but the members share the deck.
How does this relate to drug abuse & addiction? Continue to abuse drugs at some point that will change the brain from abuser to addict What does the switch card mean in regard to drug addiction? Point to which the person’s brain changes & becomes dependent Is everyone’s switch level the same?
What does the risk card mean? Is everyone's risk card the same? Factors that influence the outcome Is everyone's risk card the same? Why is the risk card face down? Do not know the risk factors of becoming addicted What do the choice cards represent? Episode of drug use If a total score that equals or goes over the switch value indicates addiction, did anyone become addicted to drugs with the first drug use? Cannot become addicted but can die from 1 episode
Play Again & Relate it to drug addiction Did you play differently this time? Does anyone really know the point the brain changes from abuser to addict?
Who Is Addicted?
Who Is Addicted?
Who is Addicted?
Evaluating Case Studies Answer 1-6 about your case study 7-11 as a group
Assignment Topic: Addiction is a Brain Disease Robert has been arrested several times for drug possession. After the 1st arrest, he was given probation. After the 2nd & 3rd arrests, he was sentenced to jail for 1 year each time. The police arrested him a 4th time, but instead of having Robert serve more time in jail, the judge ordered him to enter a drug treatment program.