Vocabulary/Identification HUAC blacklist Hollywood Ten Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Joseph McCarthy McCarthyism
Chapter 18 - 3 The Cold War at Home
Chapter 18 – 3 Objectives Describe the varies ways the government used to investigate the loyalty of American citizens. Compare and contrast the trials of Alger Hiss and the Rosenberg's. Explain the efforts of Senator McCarthy to investigate alleged Communist influence in the U.S.
Loyalty Review Boards Anti – Communist Republicans accused Truman of being “soft” on Communists. March 1947, Truman issued an executive order setting up the Federal Employee Program Loyalty Review Board, whose purpose was to investigate government employees and dismiss those found to be disloyal to the U.S. government. 91 organizations were listed. Membership to these organizations were grounds for suspicion.
House Un – American Activities Committee (HUAC) Investigated communist influence in the movie industry. Believed that moviemakers were sneaking in communist propaganda into films. Subpoenaed 43 witnesses. Friendly ones included major stars of the day. Ten “unfriendly” were called to testified, and refused. Became known as “The Hollywood Ten”
The Hollywood Ten Accused of being disloyal to the country Being Communists Exposing moviegoers to Communist propaganda
The Hollywood Ten They were; Put in prison Blacklisted Their careers and reputations were destroyed.
Alger Hiss Accused of spying by a former Soviet Communist spy, Whittaker Chambers Spying for the Soviet Union. Specifically, passing secret government documents to the Soviet government Accused of lying under oath, perjury.
Alger Hiss Chambers produced microfilm that he said was typed on Hiss’s typewriter. Since too many years had passed to charge and try him for espionage, he was tried and convicted of perjury, and sent to jail.
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg On September 3, 1949, Americans learned that the Soviets had exploded an atomic bomb. German born physicist, Klaus Fuchs, admitted giving the Soviets information on the atomic bomb that helped them develop and test a bomb years before they would have otherwise. Fuchs implicated minor activists, the Rosenbergs, who were members of the Communist party.
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg At first, the Rosenbergs denied the charges. Then they pleaded the 5th Amendment. The Rosenbergs claimed that they were being persecuted for being Jewish and holding radical beliefs. Found guilty, and sentenced to death. June, 1953, the Rosenbergs were put to death in the electric chair.
McCarthyism Led by Wisconsin Republican Senator, Joseph McCarthy, realizing that he needed a winning issue to be re-elected. Charged that Communists were taking over the government. This prayed on the fears of American citizens. McCarthy claimed to have the names of 57, 81 and 205 Communists in the State Department.
McCarthyism McCarthy also charged that the Democratic Party was guilty of allowing Communist infiltration into the government for the past 20 years. McCarthy fed on the publics fears. He gave the impression that he was purging the nation of very dangerous, and seemingly very real Communist menace.
McCarthyism In 1954, McCarthy went to far. In televised hearings, McCarthy; bullied witnesses. Stated that he had proof that Communist were in the Army.
McCarthyism These statements, and his tactics, turned the public against him. Finally, the Senate condemned his actions that brought dishonor to the Senate. In the end, it was discovered that McCarthy have no proof of his accusations.
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