Monxton Parish Council Annual General Meeting 14th May 2019 - 7.30pm
Agenda Date of next meeting Tuesday 9th July 2019 Close of meeting Welcome and Apologies. Declaration of Interests Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign off & matters arising AGM business 1) To elect a Chairman for the year to the next Annual Parish Council meeting. 2) To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of office. 3) To elect a vice Chairman for the year to the next Annual parish Council meeting. 4) To receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office 5) Renew register of interest forms 6) Annual agreement of financial procedures and risk assessment. 7) Confirm dates of meetings 2019/20 Other business 1)Specific portfolio reports from Parish Councilors 2)County & Borough Councillor reports 3) Village Hall update & open discussion Date of next meeting Tuesday 9th July 2019 Close of meeting