Case study III: An EGG-stremely delicate situation
The problem: protect your people/product (i. e The problem: protect your people/product (i.e. build a better seatbelt/package) Givens: Shell-less egg’s mass: 80g Test height: 5.34 m Max force allowable: 30N Max dimensions: 45 cm on any side Partners or individual challenge only **incentive
Materials available (provided) Cotton balls Popsicle sticks Construction paper Printer paper Tissue paper Recycled/Newspaper Cloth Thin cardboard pieces Balsam wood Rubber bands Minimal tape and/or glue
Project validation requirement: Blueprint peer review Materials justification Evidence-based proof of success (calc’s) Peers must ask questions and may require a revision or better evidence Experimenter may ask questions and can request specific or better feedback from peers
Time allotted: Initial blueprint due MONDAY START OF CLASS Annotated drawing (materials and dimensions) Calculations (proof of success) Project test day next WEDNESDAY All building will be IN CLASS
May the odds be ever in your favor Blueprint example (fake!)…