Harmony Public Schools Gifted and Talented Program 2015-16
Introduction Mr. Comer M. Ed. - GT Campus Coordinator Oversee all aspects of the GT program: Testing, nominations, curriculum, instruction, GT competitions, student and staff development Teach 6th-8th grade GT Ms. Blackwell – GT teacher Teach K-5th grade GT
G/T Service Plan 2015-2016 K-5th Texas Performance Standards Project Project based learning during class intervention time (2) 45 minute pull-out classes per week End of year showcase
G/T Service Plan 2015-2016 6-8th grade Texas Performance Standards Project Project based learning-The Game of Life One pull-out per week during math intervention and ELA End of year showcase GT academic competitions-to be determined
G/T Service Plan 2015-2016 9-12th grade Academic Competitions Pre-AP and AP classes Community service projects (We Can Comp.) College prep Guest speakers/field trips for different career fields
Exiting the program Students could exit the program if they do not perform at expected standards in the program. A student may be exited from the G/T program: - Repeated failure to complete work assigned. - Substantial difficulty in understanding work that other students do independently (without parental or tutorial assistance). - Consistent pattern of low grades (C’s, D’s or F’s) over 6 weeks. - Behavioral concerns, distractions, etc.
Academic Competitions Math Counts (Grades 6-8) Science Olympiad (Grades 6-12) Odyssey of the Mind (Grades K-12) Science and Engineering Fairs (Grades 4-12) The Math League (Grades 4-12) Spelling Bee (Grades K-8) Academic Pentathlon (Grades 6-8) UIL Academics American Mathematics Competition (AMC) (Grades 6-12) Robotics Competitions (Grades 4-12)